Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week 20

Everyone did a great job sharing facts about a President.  That marks the end of our individual presentations.  We will spend our presentation time for the next 4 weeks preparing for our class presentation at the end of the year ceremony (date still to be decided).  Our class will sing the Ten Commandments song from the CC CD ("these are the words of my God...").  My plan is for each student to step forward and say a commandment (or 2 since we only have 7 students now) and then all sing the chorus together.  I was thinking it might be cute to have them all dressed in "Moses-like" attire if possible.  If anyone has any thoughts on how we could do that, I'd love your input.  I know Erin English cut open pillow cases last year and used twine as belts to look like John the Baptist.  I was also thinking about making props for them to hold.  Maybe each child could hold a small poster (cut in the color and shape of a stone tablet) that had a symbol or picture representing their commandment.  Again, any input you have on this would be welcome.  Hope you all have a great week!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week 19

We started Orchestra today!  Mrs. Zielny gave a great introduction and explained the different instrument families.  Mr. Lin demonstrated the violin (strings) for us and Mrs. Zielny showed us her clarinet (woodwinds).  We will dive into our composers next week.  Some great books to check out during the next few weeks would be:

Next week is the last week of prepared presentations and the topic is Presidents.  Choose a President and learn at least 3 facts to share in your presentation.  Bring in a picture of the President you choose if possible. We missed Charlotte today, hope everyone is well soon.  See you all next week!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 18

We had an action packed morning in our pj's this week!  The students had a great time teaching each other through their presentations, they were quite creative in their topics...everything from how to shoot a rubber band to how to make a homemade valentine.  We learned about Michaelangelo in art and the students got to experience what painting the Sistine Chapel might have been like for him as they painted their own work of art on their backs under a table.

 Next week's presentation topic:  Tell about your favorite activity, hobby or sport - props welcome.  Hope you all have a great week!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week 17

The kids had a great time with presentations today!  They really enjoyed guessing what each student brought in their bag.  Next week's topic:  Demonstration-show us how to make or do something.  I have no doubt we will all learn a lot next week:)  Below are some pictures from our El Greco inspired art project today.  Hope you all have a great week!